
Why do people think McCain is a non-interventionalist?

Reason's Matt Welch is dubious about the claims of some of McCain's followers that the Senator will be any less interventionalist than President Bush. As Welch says:
[McCain] wrapped up the Republican nomination largely through by winning with 2-1 ratios among voters who hate the war and hate George W. Bush. Eventually, the majority of Americans who are weary of the Global Cop act are going to realize that McCain is a more enthusiastic interventionist and committed benevolent-imperialist than his predecessor, whose miserable unpopularity is due in no small part to his activist foreign policy. Thus it becomes crucial for McCain to distance himself from Bush on foreign affairs, preferably in a way that changes the subject from his own interventionism.
I remember seeing those figures after (if I remember correctly) the New Hampshire primary. Why would dovish voters flock to McCain, especially when Rep. Ron Paul and all the Democrats were advocating full withdrawal? If you were a Republican leaner who wanted a searching for someone with more peace-oriented views who "could win", there was still Gov. Mike Huckabee. If a few unnamed generals could convince him after one meeting that there was a need to close Guantanamo, in a short 3-4 meetings, surely you could convince him to bring the troops home.


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