
Hate-moner Jeremiah Wright had a middle-class upbringing?

Marty Peretz over at The New Republic has a quote from someone who knew the high school Hate-monger Wright attended in Philadelphia:
I attended Central a few years after Rev. Wright, so I did not know him personally. But I knew of him and I know where he used to live – in a tree-lined neighborhood of large stone houses in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. This is a lovely neighborhood to this day. Moreover, Rev. Wright's father was a prominent pastor and his mother was a teacher and later vice-principal and disciplinarian of the Philadelphia High School for Girls, also a distinguished academic high school. Two of my acquaintances remember her as an intimidating and strict disciplinarian and excellent math teacher. In short, Rev. Wright had a comfortable upper-middle class upbringing. It was hardly the scene of poverty and indignity suggested by Senator Obama to explain what he calls Wright's anger and what I describe as his hatred.
Well, if it wasn't his upbringing and "poverty" that made hm so hateful, what was it?

Wright's "poverty" extended to his higher education as well:
Another old style liberal Chicago politician, State Rep. Monique Davis of Chicago, sponsored the resolution which was passed by the House on March 11. The resolution does not describe a minister who grew up in a segregated South, attending segregated schools, drinking out of separate water fountains, being attacked by police dogs and sprayed by fire hoses. In fact, it says Reverend Wright grew up in Philadelphia, PA – were segregation was not the law of the land and is ironically the same city where Obama delivered his speech.

What the resolution tells us is that Reverend Wright attended integrated public schools in Philadelphia. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Union University, a Master’s Degree from Howard University and another Master’s Degree from the University of Chicago. Revered Wright enjoyed the advantage of some of the finest education American provides.
Listen, I'm not going to say I know what poverty is like. I don't. But I've seen it, and you don't get Master's degrees when you're in poverty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you don't get a master's degree in poverty... nevermind TWO master's degrees... sheesh...